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This tool will allow you to view the visible passwords that Facebook has saved in its system for you. It then reveals all your saved passwords. These can be changed by following this link: https://www.facebook. com/settings?tab=applications The tool will also allow you to search for all the other Facebook users that are logged in at the same time you are. If one of their accounts is open, it will be displayed on this page.Note: It only works when you are logged in to Facebook. If someone else is quick enough they can close their account before you can find it. But its a good idea to try and search for your friends accounts if they have already been logged in on your computer before so that way if they go back on it, you'll be able to find their account. Use this if they have been logging in on a computer you have access to. It has a unique feature in that it can output plain text for you to copy and paste into any website. It also allows users control over the information that it sends back to Facebook, allowing them to provide their friends with more information about their accounts. This is a tool which allows you to view all your Facebook accounts at once. Not only do you get an overview of all the accounts, but each account is grouped together by your name. You will also be able to see all your posts from each account, from the time the posts were made until now. If you are connected to the internet, you will also be able to send messages between your accounts, which can be of great help if one of your accounts has been hacked. This tool will allow you to: Note: This works best with accounts that haven't been disabled and haven't been deleted. Otherwise it may not work. If you have a password manager like Keepass or LastPass, it will automatically sort them by username and by which account they belong to (so if one is locked, the other won't log in), and has an option for "unlock all" (if someone has locked them for surprise), that lets well you can change the password again. This tool will allow you to find all your Facebook account names. The one that isn't hidden is the verified account. Explanation: Facebook's automatic facial recognition feature attempts to automatically tag people in photos, using a photo's metadata and facial recognition to see if it can identify a person in the photo based on other photos of them already on Facebook. In this way, tagging can be done without any user interaction other than uploading a photo. cfa1e77820